Load data from Excel

Excel files of types XLS, XLSM or XLSX can be used to import data.

Important: Each Excel file must contain data for only one project, and all files must have the same data layout.

This is the import procedure:

  1. In the Load Data workspace, click the Add button Add button on the ribbon and select the Excel option. A new data source will be added and the Excel loading screen will be displayed. For information about screen elements, see Excel loading screen. You can combine data from different sources by using groups (see Data source groups).
  2. The Start Year and Duration fields determine the time frame for which the data will be loaded; if projects span a longer period, the data outside of this time frame will be discarded.
  3. The data loading screen contains tabs which represent import batches. A batch is processed in its entirety before Portfolio moves to the next batch. You can use batches to load different price or production scenarios of the same project.
  4. Note: The order of batches is important; the import begins with files selected in the leftmost batch, and proceeds from left to right. Thus, if you want to import the same files with different settings, make sure you set up the batches in the correct order.

  5. Importing from Excel requires a mapping template. Templates determine which cells in imported files correspond to destination variables and settings. Create or open a template in the Mapping Template section. If you are using batches to import different scenarios, you will need a separate mapping template for each batch. For details see Excel mapping template.
  6. Note: The currently-used template is part of the Portfolio document; if you send this document to a colleague, for example, the template will be sent with it. You can also save templates as files on your computer (referred to as local templates).

  7. In the Destination section, select or type the project and price scenarios which will be used in Portfolio.
  8. In the File root folder field, select the name of the folder where imported documents are stored, and the list of files will appear in the box underneath.
  9. Select the files you want to load by checking the boxes next to their names.
  10. To check whether data sources have errors, click the Validate button Validate button on the ribbon. If errors or warnings are found, a message will be displayed and the data source icon will change to Errors icon or Warnings icon respectively.
  11. Click the Load button Load button on the ribbon to proceed. The progress will be shown in a pop-up dialog. You can cancel loading at any time by clicking the Cancel button in the dialog.
  12. If loading finished successfully, the Analyze workspace will be opened. If there were warnings or errors, click the View Log button The View Log button on the ribbon to check the log file.